EIN lookup is beneficial to find your tax id number for business let’s learn more about the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issues employers a nine-digit Tax ID for their business, which is also known as Employer ID Number (EIN) or Federal Tax Identification Number.

This EIN is mandatory to business entities, whether local or state government agencies, non-profit organizations, etc., for the purpose of filing tax returns, opening a business bank account, obtaining a license to run business, applying for a loan from the bank to start a new business, etc.

What Do You Need To Know When Applying For An Employer ID Number (EIN) At IRS?


It is best to be sure that your company or organization is formed legally before applying for an EIN at the IRS. As such, there are quite a lot of companies, organizations and other business entities that are often subject to automatic revocation of their tax-exempt status, if they fail to provide a return or notice for three consecutive years.

Thus, when you apply for an EIN, it is advised to make sure that your business is legally formed to avoid getting into any trouble with the IRS.

Generally, businesses need an EIN. You can apply for an EIN online at the Internal Revenue Services, which is issued immediately after all the legal formalities have completed successfully. Also, you must check with your state to make sure you need a state number or charter.

All EIN applications, which are submitted through physical mail, fax or electronically, are required to disclose their name, including the Taxpayer Identification number, such as SSN, EIN or ITIN of the true principal officer, general partner, owner, granter or settler (trustor).

This individual or entity, which the IRS calls as a ‘responsible party’, controls, manages or directs the applicant entity and the disposition of its funds and assets.

Unless the applicant is a government entity, the responsible party must be an individual, that is, a natural person, and not an entity.

How To Apply For Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Applying for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a free service offered by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Since, this service may involve the necessity of disclosing your personal information, which may be critical to you, it is thus, advised to only apply for an EIN from their authorized website (https://www.irs.gov/). Also, beware of websites on the Internet that charge for this free service.

There are four different ways you can apply for EIN at the IRS. These are explained below.

1. Applying Online

EIN apply

Applying for EIN online is usually preferred by many individuals. Once the application is completed, then the information is validated during the online session and an EIN is issued immediately. an online application process is available for all entities whose principal business, office or agency, or legal residence (in the case of an individual), is located in the United States or U.S. Territories.

2. Applying by Fax

There are few people who would wish to apply for and obtain their EIN through fax. In this method, the taxpayers are required to fax the completed Form SS-4 application to the appropriate fax number provided by IRS, after ensuring that the Form SS-4 contains all of the required information.

If it is determined that the entity needs a new EIN, there will be assigned using the appropriate procedures for the entity type. If the taxpayer’s fax number is provided, a fax is sent back with the EIN within four business days.

3. Applying by Mail

This method takes the longest time for obtaining an Employer ID Number (EIN). The processing time-frame for an EIN application which is received by mail is usually four weeks. However, the business entity applying for EIN must ensure that the Form SS-4 contains all of the required information. If it is determined that an entity needs a new EIN, then one will be assigned using the appropriate procedures for the entity type and mailed to the taxpayer.

4. Apply by Telephone (for International Applicants)

There is also another method, which is specifically for international applicants. In this method, the applicant needs to complete the Third Party Designee section only if he/she wants to authorize the named individual to receive the entity’s EIN and answer questions about the completion of Form SS-4.

 Designee’s authority terminates at the time of an EIN is assigned and released to the designee. The applicant must also complete the signature area for the authorization to be valid.

The working hours and phone number can be availed by visiting the website of the IRS.

Limitation In The Issuance of Employer ID Number

As per the updated regulations provided by the IRS, there is a limit to issuing an Employer ID Number (EIN) to business entities. According to their new regulations, in order to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all taxpayers, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has put a limit of issuing only one EIN per responsible party per day. This limitation is made applicable to all requests for EINs, whether online, through fax or mail.

Types of Business Entities Whom issues Federal Tax ID 

The following types of business entities are issued Federal Tax ID or Employer ID Number (EIN):

  • Sole Proprietor or Individual

  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)

  • Non-Profit Organisation

  • Personal Service Corporation

  • State Government Agency

  • Partnership

  • Corporation

  • S-Corporation

  • Church Controlled Organisation

  • Estate of Deceased Individual

  • Trust

How To Lookup Your EIN or Tax ID Number For Business?

Although there are many people who can remember their Social Security Number (SSN), however, there some business owners who may not know their EIN or Tax ID number. The Employer ID number, for any business owner, is something which they use on a regular basis. Thus, having this important number memorized should not be as difficult as learning by heart your company’s address and phone number.

Your nine-digit EIN is crucial for certain very important business transactions, such as filing tax returns, obtaining the small business loan and much more. In such situations, what matters most is speed and accuracy. So, not having your tax ID number could prevent you from getting important funding for establishing your business, or perhaps, even meeting your business tax filing deadline as well.

Forgetting or not knowing your nine-digit EIN when need it most may sometimes make you become frustrated. Locating business tax id number which you loses a is actually pretty easy and should not cost you anything.

Here is a guide to federal tax ID lookup. We also cover how to find another business’s EIN.

a. You can locate your EIN before you need to file taxes, apply for a business loan, or open a business bank account. Knowing your EIN will speed up the process.

b. Find the computer-generated notice that issues by the IRS when you applied for your EIN. This notice issues as a confirmation of your application for, and receipt of an EIN.

c. If you used your EIN to open a bank account or apply for any type of state or local license, you should contact the bank or agency to secure your EIN.

d. Find a previously filed tax return for your existing entity (if you have filed a return) for which you have your lost or misplaced EIN. Your previously filed return should be notated with your EIN.

e. You can locate your EIN on your confirmation letter from the IRS, old tax returns, old business loan applications, your business credit report, or payroll paperwork.

f. You can also call the IRS to look up your federal tax ID number.

g. If you need to locate another company’s EIN, you can start by asking the company. There are also free databases or some databases have charges that can help you find a business’s tax ID number.

h. Once you apply for your company’s EIN, you won’t need a new one for business name changes or location changes. However, if your business’s ownership or structure changes, then you’ll likely need a new EIN from the IRS.

i. If you want to know your employer’s IRS EIN Number, you can locate it on one of your W-2 tax forms.

We also cover how to find another business’s EIN.

j. Use the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR online Forms and Filings database. On the Securities and Exchange Commissions Filings page, you can search for the company, and click on SEC filing documents, and you can find the employees identification numbers on the first page, the Tax ID number is titled “IRS No” and is a nine-digit number.

k. If you plan on looking up employee identification numbers regularly, it may be worthwhile to subscribe to an online commercial database service. Commercial Employer Identification Number (EIN) database providers sometimes have special offers that allow you to make a few searches for free before you sign up for their service.

l. Last, but not the least, you can personally contact and ask the IRS to search for your employees’ identification number by calling their Business and Speciality Tax Line. to get their contact details just follow the link (https://www.irs.gov).

Do You Need To Change Your EIN?

Generally, there are times when a business may feel the need of having a new employees identification number when their ownership or structure changes. Although changing the name of your business does not require you to obtain a new employees identification number, however, you may wish to find out what actions requires if you change the name of your business.

Given below are the various conditions for each type of a business entity which needs to be fulfilled in order to obtain a new employees identification number.

A. Conditions for Obtaining New EIN for Sole Proprietors:

  • You are subject to a bankruptcy proceeding.

  • You incorporate.

  •  Take partners and operate as a partnership.

  •  you have to purchase an existing business that you operate as a sole proprietorship.

B. Conditions for Obtaining New EIN for Limited Liability Company (LLC):

  • New LLC with more than one owner (Multi-member LLC)  forms under state law.

  • A new LLC with one owner (Single Member LLC)  forms under state law.

  • LLC with one owner (Single Member LLC) forms under state law. It has an excise tax filing requirement for tax periods beginning on or after January 1, 2008, or an employment tax filing requirement for wages paid on or after January 1, 2009.

C. Conditions for Obtaining New EIN for Partnerships:

  • You can end an old partnership and begin a new one.

  •  one of the partners take your partnership and operate as a sole proprietorship.

D. Conditions for Obtaining New EIN for Corporations:

  •  After a statutory merger, a new corporation creates.

  • The corporation receives a new charter from the secretary of state.

  • You change partnership or a sole proprietorship.

  • You are a subsidiary of a corporation using the parent’s employes identification number. you become a subsidiary of a corporation.

E. Conditions for Obtaining New EIN for Estates:

  • A trust creates with funds from the estate (not simply a continuation of the estate).

  • You can represent an estate that operates a business after the owner’s death.

F. Conditions for Obtaining New EIN for Trusts:

  • A trust changes to an estate.

  • A living or inter vivos trust changes to a testamentary trust.

  • living trust terminates by distributing its property to a residual trust.

  • One person is the grantor/maker of many trusts.

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